How to Organise Covid Figures Chart?

I have downloaded the European Centre for Disease publicly available chart of Covid figures.

link text

And I find it is a flat file of some 14,000 rows. No totals, no formatting of any kind.

It would be very nice if it displayed such as Country totals for cases and deaths and totals:population and totals:cases
and compared together all countries.

Graphs showing rise and fall day by day - it shows daily figures - for each country and perhaps a chart that superimposes all countries or a selection of them.

I don’t know. First off I wanted country death totals and saw that was going to be a tedious job itself, by hand, country after country.

then contemplating all these other things that could be very useful I saw that I would best come to these forums and ask for help, advice.

They also make available daily updates in another spreadsheet each day I think. So it would be good if these could be incorporated into the existing sheet with a minimum of difficulty.

Does anyone have any experience of this sort of thing? Can offer some assistance, some suggestions?

Look into pivot tables for this. Most likely it will give you the extract you are after.