IFError returns #Value


first time I’m posing a question on libre office Calc

so I got this formula
=IFERROR(IF(AND(FIND("$4";FORMULA(B5))>0;B5>0;A5*C$4;FIND(“A”&ROW(A5);FORMULA(B5)));“Super”;“Not OK”);“Not OK”)

which gives me an error??
But if I take the formula (in G5) (gives an error)
=IF(AND(FIND("$4";FORMULA(B5))>0;B5>0;A5*C$4;FIND(“A”&ROW(A5);FORMULA(B5)));“Super”;“Not OK”)

and I go to the next column (H5)
it gives me Not OK as a result??
Should be the same for the first formula ?
A5 contains the number 2, C4 contains 7,5 and B5 contains =C$4A5 (which gives a correct result but if I change it to =C$4C5 (which is empty) the first formula gives #Value as an error
The splitted formulas gives first error (OK for me) and then Not OK trapped by the IFERROR on G5??

Any ideas?


The whole formula should test if a student enters a correct formula in B5 which is =A5*C$4
When I remove the $ from C4
gives an error as result.
So must I IFERROR all tests???


I splitted up the function and it now works!
[E5]=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(F5)>0;ISNUMBER(G5)>0;NOT(ISERR(B5)));“Super”;“Fehler in der Formel”)
[F5]=IFERROR(FIND(“PrixPlace”;FORMULA(B5));“Fehler beim Preis”)
[G5]=IFERROR(FIND(“A”&ROW(A5);FORMULA(B5));“Fehler bei Platzanzahl”)

Hi folks,

I was teaching the last year in Exel // to LO Calc and never used the IFERROR in calc. Maybe a misinterpretation of the IFERROR on my side??