Writer : How can I move images outside the page?

Hello! Let me add you some details…

I have the image of a “flat” butterfly. What I want is to have the left wing to be at the right of the page and the right wing to be outside the page (and not be printed anywhere). Basically, I want a half butterfly.

Although, when I try this, I noticed that when the picture is “anchored to the page”, it can’t get outside of it.

What can I do?

From LibreOffice Writer, click on your image of the butterfly. Select the Format menu, then the Picture option. In the Picture window, click the Crop tab and under Crop, be sure Keep scale is selected, then In the “Right” input box, enter a number that is half the width of your image (if the image is 5 inches wide, enter 2.5 to crop or delete the right 2.5 inches of your image). The image size shows in this window if you’re not sure. Then click Ok and move your image to the right side of the document.