Typed Capital letter. Enter. Lower case letter shows up

KSandy shows on computer Ksandy

Retag your question to remove common since this is a writer question, not Calc, Impress, Base or Draw.

Calc follows the same AutoCorrect settings regarding two INitial CApitals.

@erAck: thanks for correcting me. Unfortunately, I can’t delete my comment, unless you accept I delete yours too.


you got two options:

  • Uncheck option Tools -> AutoCorrect -> AutoCorrect Options -> Tab: Options -> [ ] Correct TWo INitial CApitals


  • Add KSandy into: Tools -> AutoCorrect -> AutoCorrect Options -> Tab: Exceptions -> Table: Words With TWo INitial CApitals or sMALL iNITIALS

Hope that helps.

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