How do I get page numbers on a word document without the first number showing up on the title page?

Every time I attempt to apply page numbers, the first number keeps showing up on what I want to be the title page to be. I know how to format the numbers to start at zero so page 1 of the main document is still page 1, but I don’t want any numbers on the title page.

Have tried “page number” in the search box? There are already dozens of questions on the same topic.

Basically, you tell us that your document is made of several parts which show a different page formatting (header/footer where you insert the page number are attributes of the page).

At minimum, your document has a title page and “common” pages for the rest of the text. Consequently you must use two pages styles.

By default, your document uses Default Style page style. LO also provides a First Page page style fit for the title page.

While in your title page, style it as First Page:

  • open the style side pane with F11 and click on the fourth icon in the toolbar.
  • double-click on First Page

All your document is now First Page because there is no page boundary yet.

Put the cursor in the very first position of the first paragraph of the document content. Insert>More Breaks>Manual Break. Use the Style drop-down menu to select Default Style.

Your document is split into two parts: the title page under First Page control and the rest under Default Style control. The parts can from now on be formatted independently.

You are encouraged to read the Writer Guide about styles and services they offer.

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