Clean workaround for "widehat DEF" rejected in Math formula editor?

I can’t type “widehat DEF” in math formula editor, but “widehat FED” is not a solution for me, nor "widehat {DE F} or “widehat {DE”“F}” because that insert a space between E and F. Any idea?

def (or DEF is a reserved word. Escape it:

widehat "DEF"


widehat { "def" }

This does not provide an exact replacement for the initial (incorrect) widehat DEF because variables are formatted italic while strings are formatted Roman. Therefore the equivalent solution is

widehat ital "DEF"

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Not exactly, because the letters are no longer in italic, but thank to you, I just found a solution: widehat ital “DEF”.

Good remark, I forgot Math formats variables in italics. I update my answer. Please chack it afterwards as the accepted solution

“Please chack it afterwards as the accepted solution”. Ok, I found how to do.