Date Error in Calc

Please see attached. Tried to enter January 2 and this pops up. Tried formatting the column but no use. Trouble is in row 414.

File attached per your request.Expenses.ods

[Edit - Opaque] Moved the attachment from OP’s answer (which wasn’t an answer to the question) to the details of the question and deleted the answer.

Can you add a calc file with this issue? Maybe cut down the existing file and post that.

File is attached. Thanks

just get used to enter your dates conforming to ISO standard 8601 (e.g in your case 2020-01-02) and you’ll face input problems with dates almost never again (The format your dates are displayed isn’t affected by that at all).

Awesome. Works great. Thank you all!


It seem that the cells you are writing on are with the default format. Previous to write, choose a date format from menu Format - Cells - Numbers tab, Category, Date.

I did change the format. I have attached the file if you want to review. Thanks


I downloaded your sample file, and have no problem when typing 1/2: it appear January 2. Not a cell format issue. I blame the autocorrection tool.

Yes I tried your trick It worked beautifully. Thanks

The basic reason for this happening is that an input of the three characters “1/2” gets auto-corrected to the fraction 1/2 instead of the date. However, the mystery (possible bug?) is when the term 1/2 is removed from the autocorrect table, the problem still exists. The “correction” happens for some numbers, but not all. In your sheet, 1/3 and 1/8 are NOT “corrected” to the fraction but result in the date expected. However, for example, 1/2 and 1/4 are “corrected” to the fraction.

Work around - input 1/2/20 or Jan 2 OR in Tools/AutoCorrectOptions/select the Options tab and “uncheck use replacement table.”

However, the mystery (possible bug?) is when the term 1/2 is removed from the autocorrect table, the problem still exists

Have you taken into account that auto-correct tables are language-specific; so when you remove something from, say, en-GB, it doesn’t affect en-ZA. So it might have happened that you had modified an auto-correct table other than used when you type (system input language)?

See xkcd: ISO 8601
Abandon slashed date formats, and those with month, day, year in this weird (“mid-endian”) order in specific. Their only “value” lies in causing funny misunderstandings. Use ISO 8601.

Awesome. Works great now. Thank you all!