Writer: Can not right click to update Table of Contents

I am not sure what happened but noticed recently that right clicking on the Table of Contents no longer provides me with the update option. Instead the workaround is to click tool and update through there. Is this normal?

image description

It might be helpful, if you’d tell anything about your operating system and LibreOffice version being used (Info from Help -> About LibreOffice). Please edit your original question. Don’t user Add Answer. Thanks in advance …

Edit your question (don’t use an answer which is reserved for solutions) to mention your LO version and OS name.

Are yousure to right-click inside the TOC? To make very sure: in the gray background area?

I was having the same problem until I saw that Protected against manual changes was checked in the Table Of Contents creation dialog. Unchecking it added Update, Edit, and Delete Index options to the right-click menu.

This is probably not the real cause. I always work with Protected against manual changes and have the 3 contextual menu items. My LO version is Which is yours?