Limit Search Results to specific file name

How do I limit search results to a specific file name instead of receiving multiple files with parts of the name. I realize the answer may be simple to many, but as the saying goes. There is no such thing as a hard question if you know the answer, and no such thing as an easy one if you don’t. Thanks for any help. I’m using LO 6.4 & 64 bit Win 10

Could you elaborate your question? In particular describe your procedure, which command/menu you are using.

To the best of my knowledge, “Find” or “Find & Replace” only acts on the opened file. Maybe you are using some file content search utility of your system.

As always, cite your OS name and LO version.

Edit your question to provide additional details. Answers are reserved for solutions.

Are you talking about File -> Open dialog?

First of all, thanks to those who responded to my question. Secondly my apologies, as I think it may be a case of me being dense again as the answer may not be related to Libre at all, and rather MS.
When I’m doing a search for a file, say for instance “End of the world” the page comes up with everything from “End” to “World” and all the bits in between. To explain my stupidity, I’m opening files to read/write in Libre and like a proper prat presumed that the results would be the file I was looking for, not multiple files with similar words in it. Sorry to have wasted your time people, but thank you for your patience and answers.


Try in the Search box of the File Explorer:

System.FileName:=“End of the world” The = means “matches exactly.”
You can add also “.odt”.

Another options:

System.FileName:~<“notes” The ~< means “begins with.”

System.FileName:~=“pro” The ~= means “contains.”


System.DateModified:2010 to find files changed at any time during that year.

System.Author:~!“herb” The ~! means “doesn’t contain.”

System.Keywords:“sunset” Files that are tagged with the word sunset.

System.Size:<1mb >1mb Files that are less/more than 1 MB in size.

System.Kind:<>picture The <> means “is not.”

KIND: calendar, communication, contact, document, email, feed, folder, game, instantmessage, journal, link, movie, music, note, picture, program, recordedtv, searchfolder, task, video, webhistory

Many thanks I will give your suggestions and advice a try :slight_smile: