How to implement .zip patches from


I have found this bug resolved fix:
The bug is for all platforms, and the solution is on the bottom, links are zip files.
I use Win8Pro, x64, LO 4123.

Can anyone explain what to do with this solution, where to inzip files and so on?

Is this solution for Windows?


If you want to build (compile) under Win8 then you may be in uncharted territory. There are several wiki pages under the category of Build which you will need to read over thoroughly in order to work out:

  • Overview (build system).
  • How to build under Windows (including Cygwin).
  • Dependencies.
  • Localization (if this is required).

Please be aware that LO is a multi-million line program that has a complex build process. The best place to ask for help will be in the Developer channels.

The two linked “download” files are copies of the entire core/ directory, including the patch. You could unzip these files to your build location however it may be easier if you set up a git repository and clone the master source directly using the instructions under “Get the code” on the linked Developer page.

Maybe can be easier download one of the daily builds.

This suggestion by @mariosv is a much better idea.