install error 1317

LO Install error.jpgI’m trying to install the latest version of LO - Partially through the install, error 1317 is displayed (message attempting to add items to start menu - no authority to the menus; contact your administrator for the solution). The account already has administrator permissions. I’ve tried running CMD with administrator permissions. I’ve also tried rebooting my machine and then running the install procedure. Both attempts failed with the same error.
I tried to download a new file, which made no difference.
I am using Win10 PRO on my desktop machine.

The account already has administrator permissions.

Common misunderstanding that administrator permissions provides access to everything by default. Sometimes you need to provide access permission, write permission or take ownership even if you already have administrator permissions (and these are in turn requiring administrative permission - personally I never understand that complicated concept, but seems like some sophisticated security measure or accident prevention measure). In your special case: Administrative permission should(!) be there by default, but by some unknown event, it seems to be removed and you need to provide manually.