How to print Math wedge

Hi All,

How to get a “wedge” symbol in LibreOffice Math. In LaTeX it is called \wedge.

By the way, it is not an “and” symbol; the “wedge” symbol is smaller.

Daniel Volinski

According to Wikipedia, “wedge” symbol and “and” logical operator are represented by the same glyph U+2227 LOGICAL AND. There is also U+22C0 N-ARY LOGICAL AND with a larger glyph (I think the usage is analogous to the “big sigma” U+2211 N-ARY SUMMATION.

If your concern is only about the symbol size, you can use size 10 { ∧ }. Here 10pt is just taken as an example. The “and” symbol was typed as U+2227 immediately followed by Alt+X. This is OK for an isolated symbol which is not recognised as the and operator.

To keep the operator identification by Math, the formula becomes a little more complex:

size 10 {size 18 {a} and size 18 { b} }

The outer size sets the size for the operator and the inner Sizes reset your standard/custom size for the operands. Unfortunately, you can’t size 10 {and} directly.

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