Calc adding extra )'s in vlookup formula, What do i do?

Calc adding extra )'s in vlookup formula and result showing is Err:508.

Exm : =VLOOKUP(A2,‘file:///c:/users/tuhinangshuc/desktop/issuance may’20.xlsx’#sheet6.a2:d90,4,0))

This is a bug in Calc. The apostrophe ' in the file name must be escaped by doubling it:

=VLOOKUP(A2,'file:///c:/users/tuhinangshuc/desktop/issuance may''20.xlsx'#sheet6.a2:d90,4,0)

(I didn’t fix your commas into international semicolon on purpose to show the difference in the apostrophe).

But when you use mouse to point to ranges, the escaping doesn’t happen (you need to do that manually). Please file a bug report (and then mention its number here for the reference). Thank you!
