In Base, how can I connect to MYSQL AND SQLite data sources at the same time?

In Base, how can I connect to MYSQL AND SQLite data sources at the same time?


To do this, you connect to one through the main Base file. Then to connect to another it is only done through macros. No GUI for this second database connection.


Sorry, a bit quick with the answer. There is a second way. See →
[Tutorial] Standalone Forms / Switchboard

With that you establish a Base file for each Database connection. Then the standalone forms (Writer document) can connect to each on different main forms.

Ah, thanks for that…might you know if there is a preference for which to connect via macros? For that matter, might it be best to connect to both via macros?


Have done this connecting two different HSQLDB files (one with macro) and it is quite a task. Have used different DB’s in the standalone for testing.

Can’t say there is a preference for one db type over another but depending upon what you are doing, it it usually more difficult in a macro. Why even use Base if both are to connect with macros.

Thanks, I think I will just stick with my old Access database for now, easier to transfer that across than mess around with macros etc, but at least I know how to do it so when I have the time I can play around with it.
Thanks again for the help