Copy items from form

I am using Libreoffice base (x64) on Windows 10 with a newly splitted HSQLDB database.

I built a little databse for making invoices and have a stock database. Now I was wondering if the following was possible:
let’s imagine that we have set one form to write a delivery note and another form to write invoices. Would there be a way to copy or to shift this delivery note into another form which would be the invoice form?
Or is this something requiring lots of macro?

Thanks for any suggestion or input.


This is not clear. Is the note linked in some way to the invoice? Seems it should be. Don’t understand the “copy or shift” comment.

Please provide a better description. What you have and just what you are attempting to accomplish.

Thanks for your answer @ratslinger, sorry if I am not clear enough. Basically the idea would be to have a deliverey note or an order confirmation i.e. to be used to send something out to a customer for pre-payment assuming that the invoice will be released later. Would that make sense? or am I too complictaed, would this only need to be the same database?

Sorry but not understanding the reasoning. If I am a customer and you want me to pay before shipping (noted pre-payment) then why are you sending me a note? I would want an invoice!

If this is a “delivery note” then there is no pre-payment as you are delivering before payment!

Not making sense to me.

However if you see some reasoning here, you can always insert a field in the “Note” record to relate it to the Invoice record. Not sure what else to tell you.

Ah I see, but would it be possible to have a form that would be a delivery note and then this delivery note would become an invoice later? by copying or so?

Not certain how or why one would do that.

OK, thanks for your answers @ratslinger