ODF always capitalized

We’re entering weather data into a Calc spreadsheet. Capitalization is used to indicate intensity. When I enter odf, Overcast with Drizzle and Fog, the spreadsheet automatically converts it to ODF which is Overcast with Heavy Drizzle and Thick Fog. I’ve looked in AutoCorrect and I could find nothing. I tried entering 'odf but it still is capitalized.

Is there some way to have Calc stop doing this?

The language match was the clue. I had Canadian English in one place and the odf => ODF was under USA English.

Then @EarnestAl’s answer is the right one.

Autoinput is disabled. It still gets capitalized. Only this three character string gets capitalized, nothing else. It is something specific to ODF.


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with german locale i had the rule odf → ODF in [tools - autocorrect options - replace] … deep deep down near the end of the list,

calc kept replacing after i deleted the rule (didn’t try restart),

it is stopped since i disabled [tools - autocorrect options - options - use replacement table]

why is it there? it’s an abbreviation for ‘open document format’, american (and english?) people like to capitalize abbreviations … POTUS: president of the united states, FLOTUS: first lady of the united states,

caveat: if you have one ‘mis-capitalized’ or otherwise misspelled item in a column calc will - in many cases - substitute new similar input in that column to the same crap … IDMN - it’s driven me nuts

When changing Autocorrect replacements make sure you have selected the language you are using in your spreadsheets from the drop down list at the top, e.g. if your spreadsheet is in English (UK) (look at the bottom of the screen) then select English (UK) before defining (or deleting) the replacement.