Calc how do you update conditional formatting after making changes

When I started this process, I had a beautiful spreadsheet with alternating grey and white lines. As I added/deleted/hid rows and columns. I lost the every other line formatting. I did manage to apply the formatting to some new columns, but don’t know how to get the rows to change. Is there a way to apply (re-apply) the formatting or do I need to somehow create a new spreadsheet and copy and paste the data and put in new formatting? I have attached the spreadsheet. Any help is appreciated.JuneJuly2020 SummerScheduleLibre.ods I update this spreadsheet monthly, so need something that would adjust when I make changes.

Thanks in advance,

Do I understand your question right - you want grey/white alternating background even if you hide some rows? If yes, I’m not aware of any way how this could be achieved automatically by conditional formatting, since there is no formula, which could determine whether a row is hidden or not. (And if you want it to work on insert row / delete row, I’d suggest to use Range A2:M1048576) to avoid fragmentation of ranges)

@LindaPro, With a numbered auxiliary column, you can do it.

After including or excluding or hiding lines, drag the O2 cell to the last used line.

You can leave the column formatted with hidden text (Format ; )

I changed the validation (test file|attachment)

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This is exactly what I wanted, thank you. For my clarification, the O2 cell contains the number 1? Is there formatting hidden in that cell? I will use the spreadsheet saved from the attached test file. I had a difficult time finding the conditional formatting I had originally used. Thank you, thank you.

@Lindapro, There is not, just number 1, when dragging down and renumbering the visible lines.