Find & replace in php

Trying to remove some textpatterns.
Find and replace some text: Find ‘xxx’ and replace with ‘’


{</w:t></w:r><w:proofErr w:type="spellStart"/><w:r w:rsidRPr="004A33B0"><w:rPr><w:sz w:val="32"/><w:szCs w:val="32"/><w:lang w:val="nl-BE"/></w:rPr><w:t>machine_omschrijving

Everything between { and <w:t> is variable. How to use the wildcards?

I have already tried:

$docx->replaceText('{*<w:t>', '');

$docx->replaceText('{.*<w:t>', '');

$docx->replaceText('{.<w:t>', '');

$docx->replaceText('{|<w:t>', '');

$docx->replaceText('[{|<w:t>]', '');

I don’t speak PHP, but…
Most likely the left curly bracket is a SpecialCharacter for its flavor of RegEx, too, and must therefore be escaped by a prefixed backslash \.
In addition there may be a PHP specific pair of LeadIn, LeadOut like the slashes in /corePattern/modifiers, as I was told by W3Schools, and the slash then would also need to be escaped inside the pattern.
LeadIn, LeadOut aside, and assuming assured that your pattern will not contain any additional SpecialRegExCharacter, the search string \{</w:t>.*<w:t> should do what you need.
Including the PHP-specific delimiters and the modifier for CaseInsensitive, you may need to use

You have an EndTag near thze beginning and a corresponding StartTag at the end of your pattern.
The additional opening CurlyBracket spoils my attempts to unjderstand it.