how do I choose which screen to use with libre office

I am using an HPElitebook with an HP COMPAQ LA2205wg monitor attached to the laptop. When i start libre office it opens up on the laptop screen not the monitor. how do I change this?

How do you do it with other programs?

This is OS-dependent. Which is yours?

Mint19.3 cinnamon, using display app in settings have set the monitor as the primary screen.

Thanks for the advice and assistance will now go away and play and see what happens, hopefully, will return and advise success!

I assume your OS is Linux Mint with Cinnamon desktop as I remember having read in the duplicate. Please confirm.

Your dual monitor configuration is probably temporary: dual-monitor when you’re home/office, single laptop monitor when you’re on the move. Your OS must then adapt.

Generally, an application opens on the last used monitor. Then there are two options:

  • click first on the target screen, preferably on the desktop background. This deactivates running applications and guarantees the target monitor is selected. At least, this is how it works under KDE.

  • put your main menu bar on the external monitor to make it the default. When you’re in single-monitor configuration, Linux/Cinnamon will fall back with the menu on the existing monitor.

If this is not enough or erratic, you have the possibility to play with the advanced settings of your window manager. Right-click on the small application icon at left of the window title bar. There should be an Other actions or equivalent item opening a secondary menu.

Settings for this window or application (all windows of the application) can be customised. In particular, you can force a window to be assigned to a particular screen. Play and use at your own risk. I can’t give more precise instructions because the possibilities depend on the window manager and they don’t offer all the same settings.

When you’re in single-monitor, the window will always be displayed on the available monitor.

The question is not specific to LO and may occur with any application.

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