In Writer, page layout not maintained

I’ve migrated everything from a PC in Win 7 with MS Office to a PC in Win 10 with LibreOffice.

Zebra label printer installed.

I configure a paper size from the Win10 settings In Writer, I configure the label size page.

Select the printer, but the settings are different with Page Layout / Paper Size in a “Custom 60mm x 57mm Size”

I therefore configure property of the printer from within LibreOffice

This also after several attempts.

I open the printer configuration again and I still find a “Custom size 60mm x 57mm”. This also after several attempts.

Why? What should I do?

On the old PC I don’t even have to change the printer settings in Windows 7.
At the time of printing, in MS Office I change the paper size and print correctly.

Have you several printers connected to your PC? In which case, selecting a printer after changing paper size will use the default paper size for the newly selected printer. What happens if you reverse the operations: select printer first, choosing paper size next. Having LO version would also help answering.

Yes, but the default printer is a laser with A4 paper, not 57x60mm

Have you set the printing preferences for the Zebra label printer in Windows? In Control Panel | Devices and Printers , right click on [Zebra label printer] , select Printing Preferences and set up your label size there.