writer does not work properly

Hello everyone,
I use windows10, I want to use Libre Office. But I have some error. Please, help me

And what the error is? for me, the screenshot shows a document where someone typed “Mime Version …” - but if you suppose there’s something wrong, please be so kind not only to provide a screenshot, but also explain what is wrong there. Someone posted you a DOC which is not a DOC, but a webpage saved as webarchive and renamed to .DOC?

When I open the word file I downloaded, I see this screen

You created a duplicate here. Delete it.

Apparently, you wanted to add tab Windows10. This is a good idea. Use the retag link under your question.

What you have downloaded, is not a Word file. Thus, your posting’s title is arrogant at least. Writer does work properly, you don’t.

Okay, I will add thank you.
Do u have any idea how can I fix it? How can I open word files before the codes screen?

I suspect it may be part of the source of an email

Very likely. Deleting the stuff before the HTML markup and opening the file as an HTML file might help.

LibreOffice does not support webarchive format (tdf#94887), no matter what wrong extension it is renamed to.

I solved it with your help, thank u a lot <3