Suggestion for better paragraph formatting.

(1) If in 3 consecutive lines (A,B,C, left justified), line B is longer than the other 2, and moving the last word of line B to the next line (C) without line C becoming longer than the original line B, then move it.

(2) If the last word in a line is the first word of the next sentence, and its length is less than 5 characters, then put it on the next line.

In the .jpg attached , “leo” and “Et” are words to move to make the paragraph neater.


This is clearly an enhancement request to be filed at

However, this should not be enabled by default because many users depend on the current alignment modes: left, center, right and justified.

In justified mode, spaces are expanded or condensed so that paragraph limits align on the same verticals left and right without moving words to other lines.

What you propose is yet another mode trying to find a mid-term between left and full justified. Beware however that it may result in an endless loop when deciding to transfer a word but later backtracking.

Your proposal makes me think of “fracture” handling (I don’t know if this is the correct English typographical word): elimination of “connected” white space across several lines.