How do I recover a document?

I had ny Libre account disappear. I re-registered and recovered my Libre account with all documents. This was after an update. Now I have had a document disappear, can this document be recovered within Libre?

EDIT-ebot-20200731-06.05-MEZ Text from answer, answer deleted:

iT WAS A Windows update that wiped out the Libre Office site, then I recovered Libre Office by pulling up the site re-registering and I got the site back, don’t remember whether or not I had to transfer files from my documents but I had it restored as it should be. This evening, I went into Libre to update a spread sheet and it is gone. Not in my documents either. It should be noted that my icon for Recycle Bin cannot be found either. I cannot find document anywhere.

Some basic questions:
What was updated, the LibreOffice Online, service, or your computer? Was the document properly saved to begin with? Are you really sure the document is really not there, perhaps you missed it?

@StupidNow, Please don’t write an answer. Answers reserved for solutions. Thanks.

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I had my Libre account disappear

Do you mean you lost your credentials on Your documents are not stored on this site!

Even if you encounter trouble on your computer, this can’t wipe the LibreOffice site.

I suspect your mind is not quite clear about what happened and thus we can’t really understand and help you unless you clarify your question.

Open File Explorer (Ctrl+E), click on Drive C in the left column, in the top right Search box type .ods and press Enter. It might take a little time, let it. Is your file among the results? If it is, right-click on it and select Open File Location, The containing folder will open with your file selected. Cut it (Ctrl+X) and paste it in C:/Users/[your user name]/My Documents so you can find it again. Check if there are any other files in that folder that you want to move.

There is a possibility the file you are looking for is in C:/Users/[something].000 . This would be from the update not properly restoring your user profile. Please see this article for more info or search on internet “Windows update user profile”