How Can I Fill The Page With My Table?

I have a table that takes only 1/3 of a page. I would like it to extend all the way down to the bottom of the page and have all the rows have equal depth in that.

Currently all rows are equal, just one line.

There’s only four columns in it.

It has 13 lines (rows).

IMHO it is only possible to apply a manual height size to each row (columns can do better).

What I did:

  • Checked type area (around 25 cm)
  • Divided 25 by 13 (≈ 1,9 cm)
  • Applied to entire table

Be aware that there is an empty paragraph below the table (must be). For better customizing the table try out different amounts of row heights, i.e. 1,92 cm …

Distribute rows evenly does not work correctly in my opinion. If the first row is expanded, there was no result, if the last row was expanded, the table spread over some more pages (row height the same as the former expanded one)… Looking forward to further improvements… :wink:

Yep, thanks. That’s what happened to me with ‘distribute rows’ - it spread the thing over pages and pages.

So nothing to do but specify a row height. Okay. Thanks for that. I will leave it open a little while just in case and then come back and mark yours as the answer. :slight_smile: