How to insert a photo in Libre Writer

How to insert a footnote on a single page?

EDIT_ebot_20200823-08.55MEZ Taken from answer, answer deleted.

How to insert sequential page numbers.

Please copy your “Answer” to your question (edit) and delete your answer as it is not an answer. Please ensure your questions are in the body of the question if it is different to the title


  • Click where you want your image. In
    the menu click Insert > Image...,
    navigate to your image, select it and
    click button Open. Optional: click link to have file updated on open if you subsequently edit the image.
  • Drag your image onto the page from a file manager
  • Copy and paste your image onto the page. This isn’t ideal as it might increase file size as it will be saved in png format.


Place your cursor where you want the footnote link. In the menu click Insert > Footnote and Endnote > Footnote

Page Numbers

  1. In the menu click Format > Page Style, in the window that opens
    click on the Footer tab, tick the
    box Footer On, OK. Optional: while you
    are there have a look at the various
    options for footers.
  2. Click in the new footer. In the main menu again, click Insert > Page Number. Optional addition: type " of " and click Insert > Field > Page count to get, e.g. 1 of 2

If this works for you please tick the answer, icon next to this answer. If it doesn’t please add comment or edit your question. More information in the appropriate LibreOffice guide. Cheers, Al