Macro to create multi-value Calc AutoFilter

I’m trying to develop a macro that allows me to define and save AutoFilter settings so that I can quickly impose complex filters on a sheet. The sheet holds a database with 17 columns, Headers in the first row, and AutoFilter in place. Here is some prototype code that imposes a filter showing rows where column A EQUALS “Value1” and column K CONTAINS “Value2”:

Sub CreateFilter

Dim theRange As Object			' A Range Object
Dim theFilterDesc As Object		' A FilterDescriptor Object
Dim theFilterFields() As Object		' An Array of FilterField objects
Dim aFilterField As Object 		' A single item for the FilterFields Array

'	Get the Database Range we're going to filter
theRange = ThisComponent.getPropertyValue("DatabaseRanges").getByName("ImportDatabase")

ReDim theFilterFields(1)		' Redimension the FilterFields array

aFilterField = New	' Create a FilterField
aFilterField.Connection = 0		' 0 = AND, 1 = OR (irrelevant for item 0)
aFilterField.IsNumeric = FALSE		' Define an EQUAL filter
aFilterField.StringValue = "Value1"
aFilterField.Field = 0
aFilterField.Operator =
theFilterFields(0) = aFilterField	' Add the first FilterField to the FilterFields array

aFilterField.Connection = 0		' Define a CONTAINS filter
aFilterField.IsNumeric = FALSE	
aFilterField.StringValue = "Value2"
aFilterField.Field = 10
aFilterField.Operator =
theFilterFields(1) = aFilterField	' Add the second FilterField to FilterFields array

theFilterDesc = theRange.getFilterDescriptor(TRUE)	' Get an EMPTY FilterDescriptor
With theFilterDesc			' Set
	.ContainsHeader = TRUE		'  the
	.CopyOutputData = FALSE		'   Properties
	.IsCaseSensitive = FALSE	'    of the
	.UseRegularExpressions = FALSE	'     FilterDescriptor
End With				'      itself
theFilterDesc.setFilterFields(theFilterFields)	' Place the FilterFields array into the descriptor
theRange.refresh()			' Finally, invoke the filter

End Sub

That code works fine when trying to filter Column A to a SINGLE value. The issue I’m struggling with is trying to create a filter where, for example, Column A can equal any of MULTIPLE values.

If I use the Calc user interface to manually create and apply such a filter, I simply click the Column-A AutoFilter pull-down, and check the boxes to select the multiple values of interest.

Examining the FilterDescriptor that Calc creates for that filter, I see that the multiple values are declared within theRange.FilterDescriptor.FilterFields3(0).Values(n), where each Values(n) declares the properties for a single value selected with a checked box.

I simply cannot figure out how to properly declare or populate a TableFilterField for such a filter or how to add a TableFilterField3 with multiple Values to theFilterFields array.

Additional Info added following my initial post:

I can create a TableFilterField3 and set its properties using:

Dim aFilterField3 As Object 
aFilterField3 = New
aFilterField3.Connection = 0										
aFilterField3.Field = 10
aFilterField3.Operator =

And I could conceivably add it using theFilterDesc.setFilterFields3(theFilterFields). But aFilterField3 gets created with an empty array for its aFilterField3.Values property and I cannot figure out how to re-dimension that property so I can populate it with values. And, even if I could dimension the Values property array to allow me to assign a separate Values entry for each of the multiple values I’m trying to filter for, each of those Values is itself a structure with properties of its own. And I cannot figure out how to declare such an object so I can specify Values.IsNumeric and Values.StringValue.

Anyone have any ideas?

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hello @wrighch, hello @mauricio,
as i understand mauricios sample was not intended as a solution, but as a sample for own solutions,
as i understand you have got it quite far,
afaik auto-, standard- and advanced filter are different interfaces for similar functionality, using the same descriptor structure!, sometimes conflicting reg. different capabilities?
reg. ‘issues with AutoFilter’ be aware! that calc has problems calculating the .field values for filter conditions after a save-load cycle if the database range doesn’t start on one of the cells A1-B2-C3 … there is some mess around depending on ‘table orientation’ which is changed on first re-load?
see tdf#133529 for that,
depending on your use case it might be easier defining filter conditions in ‘criteria-tables’ usable by ‘advanced filter’ (outside the rows to be filtered) and apply such filter with reference to (different) such tables per macro, just an idea, not tested,

Thanks @newbie-02 for pointing out issue tdf#133529. I saw that as I was working toward my answer. Since I intend my code to be accessible via button click, then clearing and re-imposing my filter after a re-load should not be an issue for me. And, thank-goodness I’m not messing with table orientation. My eventual implementation will mimic the ‘criteria-tables’ idea you propose as I already have a design in mind. In fact, this problem came to my attention as I finally got around to translating an old Excel-VBA macro into LibreOffice-Basic.

‘Since I intend my code to be accessible via button click’ - there is an issue tdf#70883, pls. read,
‘clearing and re-imposing my filter after a re-load should not be an issue for me’ - i’d expect that to work,
‘not messing with table orientation’ - that - under certain circumstances - completely independently messes up your work :frowning:
‘My eventual implementation will mimic the ‘criteria-tables’ idea’ - would like feedback whether it worked well,
‘translating an old Excel-VBA macro into LibreOffice-Basic.’ - alas to say … :frowning: VBA is much easier and more understandable, i can’t decide if LO basic is more powerful …

Thanks again @newbie-02. But tdf#70883 doesn’t apply to what I’m doing. It’s Title (“uno: copy” via the dispatcher does not work when a button has focus) makes it clear: The issue is with “uno:copy” Typically, I avoid using UNO dispatcher calls altogether if possible, mostly because their parameters are obscure and hard to find. Secondly, I’m only trying to capture the Button-click event, not Focus events. So I configure my Button(s) to NOT take focus when clicked. They just send the click event to my macro. Finally, I fully agree: VBA is much easier – if only because there appear to be far more examples on the web to learn from. But LO is quite powerful. And, if you can figure out the layers of it Object Model (every bit as complex as some of the Java Object Models) you can do some remarkable things.

Thanks to @mauricio below for his example. As he indicates, his example works for a SINGLE field with two conditions. But those conditions must be conditions. To use conditions like “CONTAINS” or “BEGINS_WITH” I believe you must use constants, which I do not think can be put in place as FilterFields objects. Rather they must be declared as FilterFields3 objects.

Also, I failed to specify in my original post that I’m trying to implement a filter with MULTIPLE fields and MULTIPLE conditions on EACH field. So, @mauricio’s example must be adapted for my purposes.

I have finally been able to get the following to work:

Sub CreateFilter

Dim theRange As Object
Dim theFilterDesc As Object
Dim theFilterFields3() As Object
Dim aFilterField3 As Object 
Dim ff3values() As Object
Dim aValue As Object

' Get the Database Range we're going to filter
theRange = ThisComponent.getPropertyValue("DatabaseRanges").getByName("ImportDatabase")

theFilterDesc = theRange.getFilterDescriptor(TRUE) ' Get an EMPTY FilterDescriptor
With theFilterDesc
	.ContainsHeader = TRUE
	.CopyOutputData = FALSE
	.IsCaseSensitive = FALSE
	.UseRegularExpressions = FALSE
End With

ReDim theFilterFields3(1)       ' Allow two fields  
ReDim ff3values(1)          ' Allow two values for each field

aFilterField3 = New
aValue = New

aFilterField3.connection =
aFilterField3.field = 10
aFilterField3.operator =
aValue.IsNumeric = FALSE
aValue.StringValue = "Value1"
ff3values(0) = aValue
aValue.StringValue = "Value2"
ff3values(1) = aValue
aFilterField3.Values = ff3values
theFilterFields3(0) = aFilterField3

aFilterField3.connection =
aFilterField3.field = 0
aFilterField3.operator =
aValue.IsNumeric = FALSE
aValue.StringValue = "Value3"
ff3values(0) = aValue
aValue.StringValue = "Value4"
ff3values(1) = aValue
aFilterField3.Values = ff3values
theFilterFields3(1) = aFilterField3
theFilterDesc.FilterFields3 = theFilterFields3
' Or use the method: theFilterDesc.setFilterFields3(theFilterFields3)

End Sub

The above works as desired. Obviously, it’s simplistic, as I’ll need to ReDim the theFilterFields3 and ff3values Arrays dynamically depending on the number of fields and values-per-field. But the above code gets the idea across.

As @newbie-02 points out, Auto-, Standard- and Advanced-filters are three different interfaces for similar functionality. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. My experience is that if I put a a complex filter in place as coded above while AutoFilter = TRUE, the AutoFilter Pull-Downs are not necessarily colored blue as they would be if entered manually. And the AutoFilter selections do not match the criteria imposed by the above code. But the visible rows do appear to properly represent the filter defined by the code. Similarly, after executing the above code, when I use Calc’s GUI to examine the Standard filter, the displayed conditions and criteria do not match the filters set by the code. Regardless, using:

Dim noFilterFields() As

Will clear the filter and you can manually use AutoFilter pull-downs or Standard Filter to impose other filters as desired, and executing the above code will over-ride any AutoFilter or Standard Filter you may have entered.

Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions.

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I don’t have enough points to accept my own answer. Perhaps someone else with appropriate karma can do that for me.

The true solution was given by @Mauricio, so please mark their answer clicking :heavy_check_mark: on it…

@mauricio provided an answer which works. But it did not answer my question. Per my Original Post: “(my original) code works fine when trying to filter Column A to a SINGLE value. The issue I’m struggling with is trying to create a filter where … Column A can equal any of MULTIPLE values.” The answer @mauricio provided is a good, fully-functional, and much simpler version of my original code. But to filter a given field to any of MULTIPLE values (that is: field1 = “value1” OR field1 = “Value2”) requires a TableFilterField3 object which includes an array of multiple FilterFieldValues. My original question was asking: "How do I create such an array within the TableFilterField3.Values property. My answer above creates and populates such an array. So, while @mauricio provided good information, I consider my answer to be the correct answer. But tells me that “>20 points required to accept or unaccept your own answer”. And I have only only 1 point. :frowning:

Hi wrighch. Do you know if your code works on LibreOffice version For some reason “theFilterDesc.FilterFields3 = theFilterFields3” or the method “theFilterDesc.setFilterFields3(theFilterFields3)” are not traspassing the values to the FilterFields3.

@RSW, What a blast from the past! Several things:

First of all, I had trouble getting signed-in. I have no idea why my username has now changed from wrighch to chucko1. I guess my transition from ask.openoffice to single sign on was less than smooth.

Secondly, it’s been so long since my OP, that I have forgotten as much as I ever knew about LO macro language and especially about the complexities of FilterFields and FilterFields3. Finally, my previous posts here are only half of the story/answer. Though in 2020 I solved the problem to my satisfaction as noted above, subsequent changes to LO v7.1 in late 2022 broke that solution.

In early 2023 I summoned the courage to re-learn what I had forgotten from my 2020 adventures here and attacked the problem again. I discovered that, apparently, I was/am using an undocumented API/method/object – always a risky choice – and got ‘caught’ when the developers changed the object model on me. But I eventually solved the problem. You can find my solution to that breakage here. For your convenience, and to provide a more complete response within this thread, I’ve copied the substance of that solution thus:

Apparently, sometime after LibreOffice v7.1, the definition of was modified to add two new Properties: FilterType and ColorValue (both LONG INTEGER). For each value, in addition to properly setting the IsNumeric property, you MUST also specify FilterType as either or When I did that, my filter worked without other changes.

See this page for the enumeration of FilterType. I have not (yet) pursued filter by color or use of some of the other enumeration values listed in the link I provided.

Bottom line: I’m now successfully using LO v7.6.1.2 and have been hesitant to upgrade to a newer version for fear of breaking my macro again, though I would expect v7.6.3 to work.

As I noted earlier, I’ve forgotten how my macros work and would have to spend some time to re-learn them enough to provide any more specific technical assistance. Sadly, at 75, I’m not as good as I was as a younger man and this kind of stuff makes my head hurt. :wink: Hopefully what I’ve just told you will help you find your way to a solution.

Simple example, field with two conditions.

Sub main()
Dim filters(1) As New

	doc = ThisComponent
	dbr = doc.DataBaseRanges()
    name = "data"
    if not dbr.hasByName(name) Then
    	Exit Sub
    End if
    range = dbr.getByName(name)
    FD = range.getFilterDescriptor() 

    filters(0).Field = 0
    filters(0).Operator =
    filters(0).IsNumeric = True
    filters(0).NumericValue = 1
	'Second condition
    filters(1).Field = 0
    'Relation with last filter
    filters(1).Connection =
    filters(1).Operator =
    filters(1).IsNumeric = True
    filters(1).NumericValue = 3
    FD.FilterFields = filters

End Sub

See the SECOND revision to my original post above

OK, I answered my own question, and revised the post to reflect it.