Unable to save a copied document. Window states "Unable to locate file". What can I do?

I’ve never had an issue saving anything to LibreOffice. And I have the latest update. Starting a couple months ago, it will not allow me to save any document copied from the internet. A window pops up showing:

C:/Users/user name/Documents/document name.odt
File not found.
Check the file name and try again.

What can I do to save my documents?

I’ve never had an issue saving anything to LibreOffice.

You don’t save files to LibreOffice. You save files to storage devices, which may be local to your system (disk, USB devices) or remote (NAS server, Cloud services, or other computer system).

it will not allow

What is it? As stated above, it isn’t LibreOffice but your system in combination with your storage device (whatever it is; you didn’t specify).

A window pops up showing:

When does it pop up and which application causes this to pop up? Again - this couldn’t be LibreOffice since it is not a program to download files from the internet but load files from storage devices.

C:/Users/user name/Documents/document name.odt File not found. Check the file name and try again.

Did you follow the advice given and have you checked C:/Users/<user name>/Documents/ using File Explorer (aka Windows Explorer), whether the file exists?

Throw out that Microsoft trash, install a free operating system like Linux or BSD, and you will forget all troubles.

@gabix, Your comment doesn’t help the OP.

t54d53j@hotmail.com, As @anon73440385 remark in his comment’s last paragraph, sometimes could happen that C:/Users/user name/Documents/ is not a real path, or that document name.odt is write protected. Try with a new path, or with a different name.

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This is not a real path in Windows C:/Users/user name/Documents/document name.odt but C:\Users\user name\Documents\document name.odt is. Are you using Windows?

If you are using Windows, can you find the file in File Explorer (Win+E)? If you can, it might be blocked by Windows. Right click on the file and select Properties, in the General tab, at the bottom there might be a button saying Unblock (something to do with coming from the internet), OK out. You should be all good to edit it now.

You might need to add your web browser or ftp client to the list of allowed applications in Windows (Defender) Firewall. Cheers,Al