Edit user-defined format in LibreCalc

How can I edit (not add) an existing user-defined format, so that all cells formatted with it, are formatted with the edited forma?

For example, in a personal finances tracking sheet, a format could be

"Somebank balance $"0.00

Then Somebank gets acquired by Biggerbank, and the format should be changed to…

"Biggerbank balance $"0.00

…for all cells formatted with the “Somebank” format.

How can this be done? I only saw a buggy option to edit the comment for a format, but nothing to edit the format itself.

suggestion by @Zizi64 is surely right, if you have sheets already constructed it’s difficult to find the cells and reformat,
afaik editing in the formatting dialog only produces new styles,
there is a complicted possibility to find, access and possibly change the formatting of cells by a macro, e.g.

oDoc     = ThisComponent
oControl = oDoc.CurrentController
oSheet   = oControl.getActiveSheet
oCell    = oDoc.getCurrentSelection

'variables and values
numberformat = ocell.numberformat

it has numerical values, split in predefined and user defined, and i’m not familiar what exactly you can do with it, but remember that somebody used it to check if a format is already there, and if not define a new one

Use the Cell Styles instead of the manual (direct formatting method - if you want to modify the properties easily for all cells that was formatted with the specific Style.

Sorry, maybe I have not understood your problem exactly… Please upload a small, ODF type sample file here with the “before” - “after” formatted states.

If you feel confident editing an XML file it is possible:

  1. unzip filename.ods
  2. edit styles.xml
  3. search for Somebank balance (make sure it’s in a <number:text> element)
  4. replace with Biggerbank balance
  5. repeat if there is more than one format or subformats containing the text to be changed
  6. save and quit
  7. freshen (! do not create new) the zip with the modified styles.xml, i.e. zip -f filename.ods styles.xml

Loading the modified document then should use the new display formats.

And of course backup your file before… needless to say? I don’t know…