Should editing a sheeting change conditional formating ranges in calc?

I have three or four formatting ranges on two sheets in a calc spread sheet. As I edit these sheets, delete cells, insert rows the ranges for conditional formating are automatically updated to create holes in these ranges. I’d rather not have these holes.

So after some time and editing, I go from having 3-4 ranges to maybe several hundred if I don’t keep editing the rules to keep the chaf down. Many of these phantoms apply to only a single cell.
It would be good if these ranges were automatically normalised, so two ranges like A3 and A4 become A3:A4, which seems trivial until you have A3,A4,A5,A,A7,8,A9,A10,A11, … to A1223 which would become A3:A1223

I tried use a named range instead, but that did not seem to create a successful rule.

Seems a bug.

Please report it, you can find how to do it in the next link.