File -> Save As..., choosing a new name, and NOT selecting Save with password, creates another file protected password

I have a calc, ods, file that is protected by a password. Using File → Save As…, choosing a new name, and not selecting Save with password, does create another file protected password. How can I save to a new file, without creating a password protected file?

Are you really talking about as password protected file or is your question in fact about a password protected sheet, which is configurable via Tools -> Protect Sheet..? A password protected file requires a password to open a file, while a password protected sheet requires a password to edit certain attributes of a sheet within an opened file. Of course password protection of a sheet won’t be removed on a Save As (otherwise this would be an “unprotect-by-save-as” procedure and password protection of sheets and their protected cells would be useless at all).

My question is about a password protected file. I am looking for the “unprotect-a-file-by-save-as” procedure. I do want to save a copy of the file without having that copy protected by a password.

From my perspective a bug, if it’s really that way on It is not that way on (which inspired my comment). Just checked on and confirmed the behavior. I could not find any hint in release note of version 7.0 about a functional change and could not found any means to deprotect a file at all.

I am on 7.1.0 and on saving a protected file via “Save as …” withtout selecting the password option i did not get prompted to enter another password.

@YjRk: Could you share an example file with with password … so we can test if this is document related?

i missunderstood you. Just saving the document which is already protected actaully keeps the document password in place. even without selecing the pasword options it seems.