I am Wayne E. Dixon and my email address is
wdixones @ yahoo.com.
I am writing a book and have embedded graphics or drawings from the drawings made using painting section of LibreOffice. When I copy and past from the drawing to the text document. The system { the program } crawls to a slow snail speed. I mean you type a character and have to wait an undetermined specified time before it appears. And the newest version draw crashes the system many times. And watching the taskmaster with this program running. And found with activities with draw causes the program to access more memory than it needs. And at a certain point it stops and causes libre office to issue program not responding at every click and selection. I have been using libre office since 3.3 and just updated to the latest version just a few days ago. I so far this version and the last had the similar problems. But this latest version is worse. Is there a magic way I could embed graphics into my documents without having my program crawl to a slow snail mode?
Please send me an answer to this please.