Why do I lose the placement of all the images every time I make a change i the text?

Libre office. your software loses all details of where the images are and piles them on top of each other, and then I have to take them all out and put them all back in again. I’m sick of you all: Open Office, Word 365 and now this. I have done this ten times now.

Get your act together!

Is this pure rant? Or do you expect an advice in order to keep your formatting?

In the latter case, edit your question (answers are reserved for solutions) to mention your OS and LO version. Describe how you inserted your images and how you positioned them (manually with mouse or through explicit parameter setting in dialogs).

Are you aware of the style feature? Here a frame style would allow you to define once and for all your position properties and apply them repeatedly with a doucle-click.

PS: this site is manned by peer-users trying to help other users. We are not developers. Complaints should go to the dev mailing lists. See the LO official site for that.

I have done this ten times now.

Normally it is enough to do it right once.

Maybe this can help you? :

Insert and edit images in Writer

Please note that if you work with LibreOffice, you should save your files in ODF format. For Writer, this is ODT.