Defining new auto styling

How to define new auto styling to a text/paragraph?

I don’t know the proper term, but something like, when I wrap my text with forward slash, by default it will automatically turn to italic. I want to apply my custom style whenever I wrap my text with back ticks or something else I want.

I don’t know what you call auto styling but it looks similar to an AutoCorrect feature where *, /, - and _ are used to manually force respectively bold, italic, strikethrough and underline. Control for this feature is accessed by Tools>AutoCorrect>AutoCorrect Options, Options tab.

You can disable the feature by unchecking the boxes ([T] is for “while typing” and [M] for “while modifying”).

The feature can be disabled but you can’t change the trigger characters.

Such formatting creates what is called direct formatting, i.e. manual formatting not controlled by styles. I highly recommend you stay away of direct formatting if your document is not a one-shot throw-away one. Documents supposed to have a longer time life span will always need to be edited with formatting tuning. You’ll avoid many problems by formatting only with paragraph and character styles. The latter are commonly disregarded because there is no equivalent concept in M$ Word (and if you switch from Word, I bet you try to work as you did before without reading the Writer Guide to discover the new possibilities).

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EDIT 2020-09-24 How to apply styling from the keyboard?

If your goal is to define custom keyboard “trigger” (= shortcut) to apply formatting to words (or more generally sequences of characters) inside a paragraph, first create a character style with the desired properties. Next, use Tools>Customize to assign a keyboard shortcut to your style. This shortcut is either a Fn key (not recommended because they are almost all already used) or a combination with Cntrl, Alt (or both with/without Shift) and another key.

Depending on which command (category) you select, the shortcut may not be auto-toggling. In this case, define also a shortcut for character Default Style (not paragraph Default Style). Character Default Style is a fake style which means “revert to formatting defined by the paragraph style”.

Your procedure is then: shortcut to apply your style, text, shortcut for Default Style.

So it means that I can’t add custom trigger character to apply some styling?