Date on which given week starts


I have a number for a week in a year in one cell (say 13) and number for a year in other cell (say current year, 2020). I want in a third cell to get the date of the first day in that week (i.e. the first day of 13-th week in 2020 in this example, which would be 23/03/2020, if I am right, given in DD/MM/YYYY format).

How can I do this, if possible?



=DATE(<YEAR>; 1; -2) - WEEKDAY(DATE(<YEAR>; 1; 3)) + <WEEKNUM> * 7

For your example

=DATE(2020; 1; -2) - WEEKDAY(DATE(2020; 1; 3)) + 13 * 7

Thank you very, very much!