Copy & paste erratic behaviour

Hello there,

I have the latest Windows 10 installed and the latest recommended version of LibreOffice installed (6.4.6).

I noticed that once in a while, Writer stops pasting things I copy from outside it, e.g: windows screenshot tool content.

Other programs are able to paste the content I copied, while Writer behaves erraticaly, sometimes pasting, and sometimes ignoring the command or even saying there’s nothing to be pasted.

I recorded a short video to showcase the issue, with a brand new document and using wordpad at the same time.
In the video, you’ll see me using the windows screenshot tool to take a picture of part of my desktop, then trying to paste it on Writer, but it doesn’t work. I try the same in wordpad, and it works. Then I go back to Writer, then it works.
During this whole procedure, there’s nothing else being copied.

Please take a look: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I had never had this issue before this version. I had the issue also on the beta 7 version.
Should I revert back to LB 5.X or earlier 6.X?