Libreoffice 7.0.1 is downloaded but can't be installed, the file is corrupted can u help me?

I am using windows 10, I downloaded libreoffice 7.0.1 from your website but when I try to install it is showing that the cabinet file ‘’ is corrupted. So please help me regarding this issue.

Download it again but make sure it has finished downloading before installing. It might be anti-virus preventing access to file.

It is worth reading General Installation Issues (Windows) in case there is something that might help before you try installing again, e.g. turning off Anti-virus, closing Brother Control Centre, etc.

Also check the checksum, e.g. SHA-256 Hash, of the downloaded file against what is published under download Info (here for 7.0.1 Windows 64-bit version). See also Check downloaded package integrity of the above mentioned General Installation Issues (Windows) page.

Maybe use a different browser such as Firefox to download.