I cannot get it to print to file I cannot get it to print to file.
I am working on a 2100 page document. LibreOffice does not remember where I was and I must find it every time I start work.

What exactly is your question? Your title seems print to file related, but your descriptions sounds bookmark /page navigation related. Please editor your question and describe your problem step by step. Thanks.

If you are saving in .odt format then Writer would normally remember where you were when it was closed. 2100 pages sounds large but I would have thought it would still find your place.

Why do you want to print to file? I would thought Export, Export as, or Save as would offer more options. Cheers, Al

I am sorry. I was vague. I have 2 problems. 1)I do not have a printer installed and I cannot get the LibreOffice to print a portion ( 40 pages) to a file.
2) My LibreOffice does not remember where I was in the document. I am working on a 2100 page document.

Print to file creates a print file that can be printed later, it uses an installed printer driver and is not suitable for sharing.

PDF can be read and printed just about everywhere. To create a pdf click File > Export As > Export as PDF..., in the tab General under Range select the Pages radio button and enter the page range, e.g. 1003-1037,1045,1047-1050 (that should be 40 pages and example of skipping some if you need to). If Pages is greyed out untick Hybrid PDF, or possibly another option. Consider if you want to tick or untick the box Export automatically inserted blank pages. Click OK, navigate to where you want to save the file and enter a name, click Save.

Have you saved your document as .odt? You should always work in native format even if you will share in another format. There is more chance of problems or corruption using foreign formats and that could be the reason that LO doesn’t remember your place. Cheers, Al

I guess I will have to wait until I have a printer so save a portion as a file. YES I only work with the ODT file.

If you want to save a portion as .odt file then just copy the portion and paste into a new document.

Alternatively, save a copy and from that delete what you don’t want in the portion.

Export to pdf is better that print to paper in that text can be copied from it.

I’ll have a think about not going back to place file was closed at. Potentially, out might be a problem with your user profile. sorry if you were upset (shouting yes) about my asking if you were using .odt but you didn’t reply to the question. Cheers, Al

I said YES because I was excited that I did something right. You did great AL. I hadn’t thought about saving it to a new document. I will try that. I found where I can place a book marker so I am using that after the doc is opened. It always opens at the beginning. It was very frustrating at first, trying to find my place.
Cheers Dave But I am from Washington state.

You need to have some user detail filled in for LO to identify the user. Go to Tools > Options > LibreOffice > User Data, add your Forename and your Surname (will be sufficient) for LO to identify you and to open the file where you left it in future.

When you open your .odt you could also try Shift+F5 to take you back to the previous cursor position

It is worth having backups of your 2000 page document so you should Save As [filename + date] to another medium, e.g. pen drive, from time to time so you can revert to that if the hard drive fails or other disaster occurs.

BTW, pdf is a printer file created to be also readable in a suitable reader. Cheers, Al