Printing with LO writer doesn't have picture?


I have picture in Writer, but when printing, it does not print ?

Please help me, Thank you.

This is my file : cauhoi3.odt

Please change the subject to describe your actual problem.

Go to the LibreOffice Writer tab on the Print dialog and ensure Images and other graphic objects is checked.

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It still can’t print with picture ?
I have updated my question with my writer file.

I suspect the contour around the logo has not been created or is somehow inside out.

  • You could right-click the logo and
    and just click Wrap > Contour again to turn
    it off. This is easiest and quickest and most sensible
  • You could right click the logo and select Wrap > Edit Contour and then just click the autoformat (looks like magic wand) but then the text will start to wrap around the triangle which is probably not wanted
  • If wrap in a triangular form is wanted the best thing to do is to create the logo again in a larger version in a picture editor, export as SVG, or export as PNG with transparency around the triangle so the Contour will pick the correct contour without further user input and the logo will be sharper.

Cheers, Al