Can Writer open with "Recent Documents" in Linux?

In Windows, whenever I opened Writer it started with a list of ‘Recent Documents’. In Linux it just comes up with a blank page. I’ve search the settings but can’t anything that will change this. Is there an option to do this in the Linux version?


In Windows, whenever I opened Writer it started with a list of ‘Recent Documents’.

Seems to be some confusion. When you see the ‘Recent Documents’ pane, you did not start Writer, but LibreOffice Start Center and that’s how it works on Linux as well.

Therefore the correct answer to your question must read: No, Writer can’t open on any platform with Recent Documents (neglecting that each module provides an File -> Recent Documents menu). You need to start LibreOffice Start Center to get a the Recent Documents pane (containing the thumbnails).


when you run just soffice.bin

without --writer or --calc parameter

you should get a view/window with recently opend document on startup.

Hope that helps.

On my Linux system I can use the command “libreoffice6.2” to bring up the Window.

Unter linux, just open a terminal “xterm” “gnome-terminal” or similar and type soffice + Enter
Normally there is also a generic starter icon in the Office submenu, when you are using a common desktop environment.

You can access the recent file list, after opening Writer directly, by using File | Recent Documents.

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