change recently used files page (Start Center) to list

Original question:
In LibreOffice 6.3, the recently used files page shows icons. I would like a simple sorted list. Web search reveals one answer from 2014 which didn’t answer the question.

Revised question:
Considering the answer by Lupp. I tried the solution given:
(>Tools>option<>LibreOffice>Advanced>>Open Expert Configuration & set the RecentDocsThumbnail to false)
but the result was not as intended. The generic neutral icons were actually worse. What I wanted to see was:

… etc

no icons… just a simple list. Any sort order would be acceptable and better than icons.

In what way is your question specifically related to ‘Base’?
If you refer to a search and a finding, please give the search link, and probably also a link to the mentioned findings.

I didn’t expect you would like the gneric icons, and I also wouldn’t.

For what reason isn’t the >Files>Recent Documents a good, would like to say better, alternative. The Start Center is anyway just a toy. As soon as you have loaded one document (at least), it isn’t available any longer. It wouldn’t pay for any further developing effort, and may only be implemented beacause some other software I don’t know has such glitter. I would even prefer nice random pictures, short poems, clever citations, …

BTW1: What you added as “Revised question” is in fact a comment on my answer. Better use the add comment for this purpose in the future.

There were many related questions (here and elsewhere) but users (and myself) don’t find them easily because often misleading subjects are used. Everybody as it just comes to his (f/m) mind.

If I understood the question correctly, the simple answer is: You cannot do so.

I your concern mainly is to get a sorted list, there is the problem that things like files can be sorted in many different ways. What LibO actually uses as the sort key for recent file lists is the date-time when the respective file was last used. The list sorted this way, most recent first, you find via the menu item >File>Recent Documents even if no document is loaded, and the Start Center is in the view.

If your concern mainly is to not show thumbnails for the documents, you can use the path >Tools>option<>LibreOffice>Advanced>>Open Expert Configuration, and search there for thumbnail. You will find a node concerning the Start Center for which you can change the Boolean value to False (doubleklick e.g.) with the effect that LibO will no more show thumbnails on the next start. The panel will show a neutral icon then for each document only depending on its class.

Revised question:

Considering the answer given by Lupp, I changed RecentDocsThumbnail to false and restarted. The result was not as I intended. What I wanted was NO thumbnails at all, generic or otherwise. What I wanted was a simple list:

… etc … one file per line

Any sort order would be acceptable (although the ability to resort in filename order would be really nice). Things like file size would be useful also. Probably I could get all the recent files on one page.

Please do not use the Answer field if not an answer to the original question, edit your question instead to provide further details. Thanks.

Deleting this answer when having done so would be welcome.