is there way to make libre office slideshow presentation same as microsoft office powerpoint ?

Is there way to do presentation the same as microsoft office powerpoint ?

In microsoft office, i can make extended monitor to be screen to viewer, and my own laptop screen to be controlling the scrolling of pages.
While during presentation, i can click on my page jumping link (located at bottom right) to flip pages as i needed. I can either click on laptop screen or extended monitor.

However in Libreoffice, in slide show presentation mode, it does not seems to be able to click the page jumping link on laptop screen, however on extended screen it works.
It is not convinience for me to look at the extended monitor to click the page jumping link, because the monitor is located out of sight from me.

if it can do presentation justlike the way microsoft office able do, it will be great.

Any advice ? or any setting to change ?
