How to apply a border format to the borders of all selected cells?

Hi there!

I would like to know if there is a way to select a range of cells that contain a few different kinds of borders, and then apply for example a particular thickness or line style to all the existing borders at once?
This is in Calc.


Select the cells by using any method like mouse or keyboard. Go to Format>Cells>Borders>Line arrangement>Default. Click on the first box below that. It will remove all old border of the selected cells. Then click on the further boxes which you would like to add. The preview is shown below in ‘User-Defined’. If you want custom borders you may directly click in the ‘User-defined’ area at various places and border will appear there. To select the style, width and color of the border, just see adjoining heading ‘Line’. Click ok when finished.

Hi Googly Googly. Thank you for your answer, but it is not addressing my issue. In my case, there is already a number of borders in the range. I do not want to change where they are, and I do not want to start over because it is a complex layout. I just want to change the thickness or the style of all those existing borders at once.

I find in Calc 5.0.4 on openSuse 42.1 that after selecting a range of cells and attempting to format all of them, only one cell gets a border. For example, in a column of multiple cells, trying to applying a border below each cell results in only one border below the bottom cell. Same with border above, only at the top. Have tried with the icon menu and the format/cells/… approach.