price of the advertising- formula:


Sheet 1_ table:
I have a columne for time:

In A column I have the start of films:
A5=06:50 (it is time when the film starts)

it is set to time, first option (13:37)

In G column I have number of advertising for each film:

G5=15 (that is number of minutes odf advertising)

In H column I have prices:
=IF(A2<TIME(17;30;0);G2Price.B$3;IF(AND(A2>=TIME(19;0;0);A2<TIME(22;0;0)); G2Price.B$5;G2*Price.B$4))

Price is sheet 2.
in B3 I have price for tiem up to 17;30 (10 €)
B4 : price for time after 17;30 (20€)
and B5 are prices after 17;30 form 19;00 to 22;00 (30 €)

I coppied formula in H column form h2 to h30, so it is the same.
But the result for H2 is 300, although it shoudl be 150

Look, in A clumn I have 06:50, NOT 06;50,but otherwise I coudl not get the numbers to the cell.(set to time 13.37)

Please does someone se where is the mistake?
The result should be 150, not 300!!!

p.s. I have in A colum date like:
20.02.2013 06:50:00
set to format:

so , date like 06:50 is in the colum,
but on the line up it is still

20.02.2013 06:50:00