How to get data from specific cell in multiple sheets?

In sheet1 is my summary of the total (B7) in every sheet.

Look at sheet 2, I want to get the total (B7) and input it at my summary in sheet1. Same at sheet 3,4, and other sheets.


Hello @Anjsacs327 and welcome! Please bear in mind that you know much more about your spreadsheet than we do. Be more detailed. Does your “and so on” mean “get for Sheet3 the value of $ Sheet3.C3” or “get C4 of Sheet 2 (or D3 of Sheet 2) in the third column”? In any case, you are asking us about the =INDIRECT(A2&".C3") function

  • Choose menu View - Navigator (the same that press F5).
  • Unfold Sheets list item.
  • Drag each sheet name to desired cell.
  • Select the cells, copy and paste in all five sheets (to paste in multiple sheets, select multiple sheet tabs with Ctrl+click or Shift+click).

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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A bit more info about how the input and output would be helpful.

  1. Should the data be copied or referenced into/onto the other sheets? (referenced would allow instance update by editing Sheet1)
  2. Should non existing sheets be created?
  3. What is the Mapping (Rules) of data from Sheet1? Your short description is not enough. Maybe provide an small example. (attach it to your answer).


@Anjsacs327, Are all sheet names following the layout Sheetn?

In B2 of Sheet1 type =, click in the Sheet2 tab, click in B7 of Sheet2, press Enter.

You will get the formula =$Sheet2.B7.

Follow similar algorithm for each total for Sheet1.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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I have like 110 sheets

If you have this many sheets, i small macro might be the easiest way.
Is the Cell Data Origin location on Each Sheet the Same? (e.g. B7 ) ?
If it is, than the macro is a very simple loop.