how to retrieve a cell value using LibreOffice Basic

I’m a newbie so please be kind. I simply want to bring the number in a cell (N3) of the current sheet into a macro for use in a select case routine. If I simply put iTT = 1,2 or 3 the macro works fine. When trying to look it up online, the only answers I can find are ones in which they are using ranges and for/next statements doing complicated stuff that I cannot understand. I’ve tried various ways with no success. The number in cell N3 is placed there by a list box selection.

Sub EnterTrans

Dim iTT As Integer
iTT = N3

Select Case iTT
    Case 1 
    Case 2
    Case 3 
    Case Else
    Print "Hello nothing"
End Select

End Sub


Gain access to cell and retrieve value.

Sub EnterTrans
    Dim iTT As Integer
    Dim oActiveSheet As Object
    Dim oCellRangeByName As Object
Rem  Gets the Active sheet 
    oActiveSheet = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet()
Rem Gets access to a cell
    oCellRangeByName = oActiveSheet.getCellRangeByName("N3")
Rem Get Value of cell
    iTT = oCellRangeByName.Value
    Select Case iTT
        Case 1 
        Case 2
        Case 3 
        Case Else
            Print "Hello nothing"
    End Select
End Sub

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