Is there any difference if I put the $ sign before the sheet name?

Is there any differences between “Sheet1.A1” and “$Sheet.A1”?

According to this, the dollar symbol is not required. However, when I type “=” on a cell, then use the mouse to switch between sheets and select the desired cell, it automatically put the dollar symbol before the sheet name.

It’s not hard to understand. Make in Sheet2 in A1 the formula =$Sheet1.A1+1. Now copy this cell to Sheet3.A1 Have you already guessed? Okay. Change the formula in Sheet2.A1 to =Sheet1.A1+1 and copy to Sheet3. Now you see, huh?

“Sheet1.A1” and “$Sheet.A1”

Maybe a typo, but Sheet and Sheet1 are different names. And the added $ fixes the sheet in the formula if it is moved or copied.

See LibreOffice Help on Addresses and References, Absolute and Relative.

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