How to force float - LO Base

Hi, I have a problem- I can’t force my AVG to have floating point. From what I know the AVG() function should in itself give me a number with floating point. I tried using CAST( AVG(column) as FLOAT) but still, it doesn’t help.
Could anyone tell me what is wrong, or maybe I’m making a mistake.

May be the answer depends on the database you are using (firebird, HSQLDB, or any external DB) For Firebird: Result type: A numeric data type, the same as the data type of the argument what would let me ask: What is the data type of the data you want the AVG() build from? If it is an integer value, the result from my interpretation of the documentation would be: AVG() gives an integer as well (Firebird only - just to make an example that your assumption the AVG() function should in itself give me a number with floating point may be wrong at least for one database).

Man, you saved my life :slight_smile: I followed up your suggestion- I created my main table once more, but instead of setting the data type to INT I set it to FLOAT. Now, when I’m using AVG(), the result is as it should be. Thanks.

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For the records:

Set the data type of the data to be averaged to the type you want to get by AVG() (i.e. here: to floating point).