Link to "How to use the Ask site" not present on Dutch language pages.

Can somebody add a link to the Dutch translation of the How to use the Ask site page? There seems to be a link to such pages on most nl pages, but not on the Dutch one. I can’[t tell people there to read the How to use if there isn’t a How to use.

I know that this kind of questions should be put on the ASK Wiki, but registering there (didn’t see the Bad user name error thrown at me for a while) and trying to log in was too big a hurdle. I tried, and failed. Hopefully, I have more success here. You can close this question if you like, as long as somebody does something with it.

Better to tag as Meta (related to the site) rather than common. Cheers, Al

Thanks for the hint

Just added the following text in the give feedback link at the bottom.

An user ask¹ if in the page it can be added the link "How to use the Ask site" in Dutch.²



@anon87010807, I am asking because I am not sure:

Should be “on most nl pages” or “on most pages”?

My apologies! Posted my answer as comment. This happens when you speak before you think (talking about me).

The Ask/Getting Started/nl page does not exist.

With “nl” I meant “national languages”, very confusing indeed. They are present on the German and Italian sections.

Never saw the Give feedback link, thanks for that!

And PT-BR.

But that is not a site fault. LibreOffice needs to provide the page first. Work for the translation team.

And lots more. Seems I found almost the only ones that have the link. rofl