Is there a way to put a checkbox in a table?

I want to do a simple to do list with checkboxes. I can’t seem to align the checkbox in the cells.

Make sure you insert your check box after putting your cursor inside the target cell.

Select the check box and right-click for the following properties:

  • Anchor>To paragraph

  • Wrap Mode>Edit

    • None or After is probably your desired mode
    • if you opt for After, increase the right spacing
    • if some text in the paragraph accompanies the check box, it might be sensible to tick First paragraph so that the check box “covers” only this paragraph and none of the following
  • Position & Size: set the vertical and horizontal extents of the check box (mostly useful if a label is attached to it); the Position section allows you to set the position of the box relative to paragraph elements, i.e. to guarantee it will always remain in the table cell

    The defaults (horizontal: Left + Paragraph area and vertical: Center + Margin) are usually correct

    BEWARE! Margin does not mean it is sent in the top or bottom margin. There is a confusion in LO 7.x compared to 6.x. Here “margin” means paragraph text vertical size + spacing above and below.

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