How do I find and then insert fancy coloured borders to a document

which menu do I use, where do I find examples of fancy borders to choose

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In “Templates & Extensions” there are only few borders available (when I last checked), if you go to sites like you’ll find plenty for download, both PNG and SVG (more scalable).

Now, in LibreOffice Draw inserting a border is really easy; right-click on the page, choose “Page → Choose background image…” and you can opt for various bitmap formats or SVG-drawings. Corresponding text would be overlaid in one or more text-boxes.

In LibreOffice Writer it’s a bit more complicated (to my knowledge); right-click on the page, choose “Page style…” then go to the “Area” tab → choose “Bitmap”. There you have bitmap patterns, designed to be repeted/tiled as backgrounds on pages. If you choose “Add / Import” underneath the samples and import your border image, it will be added to the samples at the end. Now, choose your border image and go to “Options/Style” to the right of the thumbnails, you should choose “Custom position/size” instead of “Tiled”. Click “Apply” to see if the border fits, otherwise play with the dimensions until fitting to taste.